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    Showing posts with label Google Tips. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label Google Tips. Show all posts

    Saturday, 5 January 2013

    How to make a page on Google +

    Google plus page button

    As a successful Facebook makes a special Page Page in addition to the profile page, Google + (G +) some time ago also re-release page page that is specially made for the purpose of fan pages such as the website, brand, business etc. And diragunakan not to mention this page is very useful for creating traffic channels with how to promote your blog or website. If you have already created a facebook page for the page I think you will not be asked again with a page on a G + because of the way it works is very similar and almost the same)

    There are advantages that have Page on G + compared to Facebook, where a Page on a G + in the near future will be integrated with the search results in the Google Search Engine, we provide sufficient sign (+) before conducting a search, suppose we type + pepsi or + angry bird then automatically Google will give you results that are related to a specific result Page on G +. Imagine if it was your page that appears first, certainly not the traffic BOOM will undoubtedly. But there tapinya, page that appears may is a popular page with the number of fans most:) so try to make your G + page popular, as long as it don't open Salon page ++ aja ya wkwkwkkwk.

    Tutorial How to create pages in Google +

    The process is very simple and no complication that it is important you've listed there.

    1. Immediately go to this page https://plus.google.com/pages/create

    2. Select the page you would like to create my own tab, select (other) or you can choose specific pages such as blogs or websites so it's up to it.

    3. Please enter the title of the page with the address of the blog who want to be promoted. Do not forget to tick that you agree and press button (create)

    google plus page

    4. put the slogan said a minimum of 10 pages and add the photo let sweet.

    page google plus

    5. complete, live in promoting just the link)

    Don't forget to join page of G + I:

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