As you may be aware, a Windows version of PwnageTool was released today called WinPwn. If you are an experienced user you may not know how to use this proggie. Here is a small guide on how to install the latest firmware that will leave your phone unlocked orjailbroken. This should minimize the risk to your beloved iPhone.
Before upgrading firmware thinkin, please note that this will erase all data on your iPhone. Back up everything important before proceeding. So first of all make sure you have the latest version of iTunes. Today, it is 7.7If you have a previous version of WinPwn, please uninstall. [Updated] Download the latest version of WinPwnhere. Currently available 2.0.2. Go to iTunes, connect your phone and download the firmware 2.0. Make sure you choose only download, do not download and install.
Now, with everything done WinPwn launch
Select IPSW Builder and select the file * PISEAU in C: Documents and Settings “user data your Application name” Apple Updates iPhone iTunes Computer Software Now click “Ipwner” and select the file you just created through PISEAU Builder.
Restart your iPhone in DFU mode. In iTunes, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and press Restore. Then select the ipsw file you created. Remember, if you have an iPhone 3G, you can not jailbreak.first generation iPhone can be unlocked and jailbroken.
iTouch, obviously just jailbroken. That’s pretty much it. If you have any comments or questions, please contact us. iPhone World © 2013. All rights reserved.
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