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    Thursday, 7 March 2013

    How to install an ISO image file

     iso_image Looking for application and upload the files to be installed on your system. You notice that the file is downloaded in ISO format and figure out how to install it. An ISO image file is an image of a CD or DVD, use a file type that you need to burn the image file to a CD or DVD first. After burning files to CD or DVD, you can see the files and folders contained in the ISO image.

    Burning ISO image to a CD or DVD is a little different, then burn the files normally. You need to burn the ISO image to a CD or DVD using a special option called Burn the image file in your burning software.

    If you are not sure what to use burning software click the link here. Link includes the software you need and treat burn a CD or DVD in detail.


    Once you burn the ISO image file on the disk, open the disk to search various files and folders in it. From the burned disc select the applications you want to install and run the installation file

    Note:. You must have a CD or DVD to burn ISO files on optical disks. You can not burn the disc using standard CD or DVD.

    What if you do not have a CD or DVD ISO file to install?

    If you do not have a CD or DVD burner, do not think the ISO file you downloaded go waste. You can mount an ISO file as a virtual CD drive. Magicdisc-virtual-CD/DVD-ROM is the application you need, click here for the application and understanding of the process of assembling your ISO file as a virtual CD drive.