With the mass exodus of us to everything in the Web 2.0, video content also continues to reshape and transform its presence in the cloud. Image is not a static entity because they attack many more interactive web 2.0, attract mode also changes the way a story is told. The latest development in this field is called a web application that utilizes databases Flickr FlickrPoet big picture and develop to create different visual montages from a poem or a lyric.
It works in a simple way, just to get a line of verse or part of a poem, and then click “Show history”. Actually, cool apps will get a marked according to the words in the lyrics and display, giving you new ideas and a new outlook on your favorite lyrics in the process.
However, as the name suggests, you must enter a poem or lyrics (no keywords) in history to see the full potential of this application. Better yet, if you lyricist contains a series of common words. Afteris a visual demonstration of a line from Pink Floyd’s “Lost for Words”.